Bandits at a sheep farm in Priehyba

A great programme for the whole family in the nature of the Low Tatras.

When: 13.7.2024
Where: Jasná Nízke Tatry
Locality: Priehyba
Admission: free

Bandits are coming back to the Priehyba sheep farm on Saturday 13th July! And the Hrdza band will be the main star of the day! Enjoy a great family programme full of fun, folk traditions with Liptov bandits, the Hopi music-educational project and plenty of folk artists and children's activities. The programme will be presented by Liptov bandit Miroslav Kasprzyk.

The Liptov bandits will offer a whip-cracking lesson, demonstrate bandit wrestling, a triple bandit fight, hanging on a hook and promise a special bandit photo point too. 
What’s more, you can learn everything you're interested in about sheep farming and mainly about the traditional Slovak breed of Wallachian sheep at the highest-located sheep farm in Slovakia – Priehyba


9:30 - vítanie hosti

10:10 - Liptovskí zbojníci – privítanie

10:30 – 11:30 – HOPI

11:30 – 12:00 – Liptovskí zbojníci

12:30– 13:30 – HRDZA

13:30-14:00 – Liptovskí zbojníci

14:00 - 14:30- ľudová hudba

14:30 - 15:00 - Liptovskí zbojníci

* zmena programu vyhradená

Jasná cable car tickets are available

at the best prices online on

In addition to Zbojníci na salaši Priehyba, we invite you to try our novelty at Priehyba - Marble game, which will bring fun to the whole family, and in addition, the ball purchased in Funibar and in the client centers on Biela púť and Krupová will remain as a souvenir. We have also prepared for you this year the Wallachian Sheep's Adventure Diary, which will entertain your children and practice their thinking. At the same time, sheep, dogs and, of course, performers will again be waiting for you at the Priehyba sheep farm. Continuing with the comfortable barrier-free cable car to Chopok, which is also suitable for families traveling with strollers or grandparents, you can see the beautiful peaks of the Low Tatras without physical exertion. On the way down, a fun center for children with attractions such as tubing, 2 types of trampolines and much more will await you on the Biela púť.

Bandits at the Priehyba sheep farm

Every child who brings a plush sheep will get a gift.

Visit the Wallachian sheep at the highest-located sheep farm in Slovakia – Priehyba where this rare breed can be watched all day long. This original sheep species that used to graze pastureland at high altitudes of over 1,400 metres is easy to breed and is typical for spiral-shaped horns. Moreover, on Saturday 13th July, a celebration of a shepherd's association is planned at the farm. The friendly meeting of members of the original Wallachian Sheep Breeders Club will include activities such as sheep shearing and discussions about the future of the original Wallachian sheep.


Implemented with the financial support of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Slovak Republic

Vážení návštevníci, večerné lyžovanie je dňa 10.3.2025 zrušené z dôvodu silného vetra. Ďakujeme za pochopenie.