Tastes of the Horehronie region below Mt Chopok

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Tastes of the Horehronie region below Mt Chopok

Gastronomy experience combined with live music

Date: 9th of March 2024
Location: terrace of the Srdiečko Hotel,  Chopok South
Time: 10:00am – 4:00pm

Dear lovers of original Slovak cuisine and traditional pig-slaughtering, this news is for you! At the foot of the southern side of Mt Chopok on the terrace of the Srdiečko hotel, delicious local products will be offered to taste. Enjoy pig-slaughtering specialities such as roasted sausages, white pudding, pepper bacon, home-made jellied meat, sauerkraut soup and of course, draught beer. That couldn’t be missing.

Tešiť sa môžete na:

  • Ľudová hudba Čerešienka
  • DJ počas celého dňa
  • Maskot medveď Samo
  • Tradičné zabíjačkové špeciality
  • Ukážka výroby klobás
  • Informačný stánok OOCR Horehronie

Aktuálna prevádzka lanoviek