Golden kettle of the Low Tatras

Golden kettle of the Low Tatras

Team kettle goulash cooking contest – challenge cup

LOCATION: terrace of the Srdiečko hotel
DATE: 17th September 2022
TIME: all day long from 10AM

In the colourful embrace of the Indian summer, a challenge cup goulash contest – “Golden kettle” takes place on the southern side of Mt Chopok. The contest is meant for teams who work on the Horehronie side of the Jasná resort, i.e. the cable car staff, snow groomer drivers, cooks, waiters, receptionists and others. Every team will do their best to present their cooking skills and persuade the jury with the best traditional kettle goulash recipe. And besides the jury, you can vote for the best goulash as well! Buy a package with goulash tokens, a voting token and a raffle token and win attractive prizes.

The “Golden kettle” event includes:


· a goulash cooking contest and tasting

· STARBAND music band

· greatest hits played by DJ Kero

· a raffle with attractive prizes

· a great atmosphere on the terrace of the Srdiečko hotel

· the event presented by Marek Poliak


Program* Zlatý Kotlík

Začiatok varenia gulášov 08:00
Oficiálny začiatok akcie pre divákov 10:00
Odovzdanie hotového gulášu porote 12:00
Vyhodnotenie súťaže Zlatý kotlík 13.00
Vylosovanie tomboly 14:00
Poča celého dňa súťaže pre divákov  

*Zmena programu vyhradená

Cenník akcie Zlatý kotlík

Výhodný balíček (4ks žetón na guláš, tombolový lístok, hlasovací lístok) 12 Eur
Tombola 1ks 2 Eur
1 žetón = 1 guláš 3 Eur


You are all welcome to join us!

Aktuálna prevádzka lanoviek.